Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tracking Ken

My good friend Ken Picerno (aka Sven Picerno, aka Jen Picerno, aka Ben Picerno, aka Len Picerno) is like the rest of and likes to indulge in the liquors. He also enjoys - maybe enjoys is the wrong word - he also has a tendency to strand himself at the end of the night. Separate himself from the group. Wander home alone. I think one time he slept by a dumpster? The magical thing about it is he always survives.

So one night I tracked him and it did not disappoint.

We were in West Hartford. Ken was at one bar and all his friends had already left for another. He was supposed to meet us at the second bar. Pretty simple. Here are the locations.

Very simple. All he has to do is walk down make a right onto Farmington and WALA let the good times commence!

NOPE! The first thing Ken does is dart straight across. Pretty bad first step but redeemable. 

Again, Ken goes with his gut instinct and heads in the complete wrong direction.

Oh, understandable now. He just wanted to go check out the high school. See if anyone was hanging out in the parking lot or something cool like that.

Okay! Here we go! The first steps he's taken in the right direction so far. Progress! Lets just hope this continues.

NOPE! Didn't stand a chance! We're closing in on half an hour now and its been all bad.

Okay so he's turned around. He's going the right way again. Just gotta continue up S Main and take a left on Farmington. Things are looking up.


 Something at the high school spooked him. Some girls probably asked for a smoke or something and he darted straight across back to Lasalle. Basically at the beginning again. Only 50 minutes later.

Well would you look at that? He just kept going! Don't even know what to say about this move. Kinda brilliant at this point.

For the third time now he's back on the right track. He's almost back to where he started.

Yes! Keep going Ken! So close.

BOOM! One hour and a minute later and Ken is at the bar with his friends! Got a little work out in. Saw the sites and now its time for those two long islands he's been craving.

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