Tuesday, September 1, 2015



Here is the full interview with Courtney about her Blanky. There's some more real good info in here.

Can you hold up the Blanky for us.

Oh my god, its really hard to hold up.

When is the last time it ripped and you had to retie it together?

Probably three months ago. But, I found a good tying system now. You take two long pieces and you just do three knots and then it will connect to the side and then the rest will hang down.

Whens the last time it was a full piece? That's all strings tied together.

No it's not! There are some full pieces, like this is a pretty good run.

That's a full piece?

That's a full piece right here, I'm really proud of this piece, its hanging on bye a thread though.

So that's your fullest piece?

Well this piece is pretty good but its kind of cheating because grandma resewed it together. You see that?

She resewed it together?

Yeah, when it was still resew-able she used to take sections and then she would sew this together. 

But shes completely given up on that now?

Yeah and I'm a little too embarrassed to ask her.

Can you tell us how long you have had it, and where it came from?

I've had the blanket since... I cant even remember. My grandmas neighbor made it, so she crocheted it and then she was cleaning out her house and she gave grandma a bunch of left over blankets because she knew she had a bunch of little kids come stay there all the time and then for some reason I just got attached to this blanket and have had it ever since.

Can you talk about the size it started as and the transformation into that over the years.

It started out as like a lap blanket so it would cover my whole body here and you would use it on the couch and it was one big blanket and then it had little tassels or dangly crochet pieces going around the entire perimeter of it and I don't know... somehow it just started to look more and more like this. But it was really pretty at one point, and it was really white so this was like blue pink and white cause this was for either a boy or a girl but now it kinda just looks like all one color... but its still lovely.

You don't remember why it started ripping? Do you remember how I used to rip those tassels off..

Yeah, so I used to get in a fight with you and every time we got in a fight you would take my blanket and just rip pieces off and then I would start hysterical crying. Probably the meanest thing you've ever done to me. 

At the time I didn't realize it was going to last your whole life.

Still pretty rude.

Do you have an earliest memory of Blanky, or a memory where it was not just for falling asleep with?

I remember on Christmas morning I would always open up presents with Blanky, like i wouldn't open up presents without it and I remember mommy trying to weed me off of Blanky. So she would come up with this system to separate us a little bit. So first it was allowed everywhere I went. Then it was allowed in the car but I couldn't bring it in to TJ Max or Kmart it just had to stay in the car and wait for me until I got done. Then it wasn't even allowed in the car, I just had to leave it at home and then she tried to implement the rule where it was just allowed upstairs not down stairs but that didn't really work so well.

I forgot all about that.

it was hard hard times

So you won that battle obviously?

no... well... yeah i would say i won it and then she won it and then it just started gradually becoming my way again but i would never bring it to school.

You were embarrassed of it in front of peers?

No, I was never embarrassed of it in front of peers. It's not something to be ashamed of.

Do you think a lot of people have security items, or security blankets from there past?

Yeah, I would say like sixty percent.

Do you have any friends that have a teddy bear or a blanket or something?

Yeah but they're not as in love with it as I am with Blanky. So maybe I just have more feelings.

Do you have any other objects that you have kept from childhood?

No i'm really not sentimental with anything else.

So you're not a pack rat or anything?

No. I always remember you - I would throw all this stuff away and you would tell me I was cold because I couldn't save anything.

So what's the exception?

Cause this is like more than just an object.It provides comfort to me where anything else doesn't. Like you wanted me to save all those airplane tickets, remember those? like stubs, airplane stubs.

Yeah those are memories.

Can you share the first time you were without Blanky, I know there's been a couple times where you thought it was gone forever.

I think the first time I lost it for like a significant amount of time... cause sometimes I would misplace it around the house and I would go a couple days and I would get really anxious that I thought I lost it and then one time it just never turned up so it was like months and months and months and I would play this game with myself were you couldn't talk about it out loud or don't ask mom where it is cause I didn't want it to be real that i actually lost Blanky. So I would never bring it up to mommy and then one time Aunt Ilene called mom and was like "oh I think Courtney left like her rag at my house and its been in my laundry room." It was like six months later and I was so happy that we found it. That was the first time that mom ever realized I even lost it for three months so she was shocked that I left it there and I was still surviving without it. 

She was probably proud of you for not asking or bringing it up.

I know but I didn't want it to become a reality so I wasn't asking her.

So Dad and I, if we have ugly t shirts or clothes that we like and wear continuously. We'll go to our closet one day and it'll be gone cause mom just goes and throws them out because she's tired of seeing them.

yeah I do that to Bretts clothes too.

Did you ever fear when you lost it that that's what mom did to you?

No cause mom knows how important it is to me and mom used to proactively not let that happen. Like when we used to have a cleaning lady come to the house she would leave notes and say "although this looks like garbage please don't throw it out".

It worked

Yeah really sweet of her.

And you lost it another time, can you tell the snow story?

Oh yeah, middle school, I think this was like eight grade I lost it for a couple months and it was in the winter. I was really really upset because I thought I lost it for good and every time I thought I lost it for good I was like okay I'm at the age I can do this. I can live without it.

Then I took the bus one morning to school and I was so tried on the bus -  I think they used to pick us up at at six am - and I was sitting by the window, glaring out the windows looking outside and the snow was melting away in Chicago. We had a lot of snow that year, and you can just see like sprouts of grass popping up through the snow and then all the sudden I saw something that looked like Blanky popping through the snow and I was like oh my god, am I... I just saw it glistening through the snow and ten minutes later I was like was I dreaming that? Like was it like the most magical dream ever or did I really see it?

I went the whole school day, came home, took the bus home from school and then I was like "mom you have to drive me by this kid Ryans house, you have to drive me by ryans house because..." and shes like why Courtney? Why? I'm like no just do it I just need you to drive me by his house. And she wouldn't take me and I'm like no mom I don't know if I dreamt it but I think I saw Blanky glistening through the snow and she was like what? okay ill drive you. So I drove by his house and there it was in the front lawn like half coming out of the snow, it was magical. 

How about the airport story.

So my parents moved us around a lot and it was traumatizing but one time we were moving to Australia. We landed and were waiting for our luggage and I remember that... oh so I had scoliosis, side note, and I had to wear this huge plastic monstrosity back brace and my mom was carrying around the brace for me and we were sitting there waiting for the luggage, moms holding the brace and then all the sudden I realize that I don't have Blanky. I left it on the airplane so I had kind of a melt down and I was devastated and I had a little bit of a tantrum. I threw myself on the floor and was crying and kicking and screaming and then everyone that worked at the airport thought that I was like having a seizure because of the brace and being on the floor. They thought that I left medicine on the plane or something and was running to go get it but then my mom had to tell them, no I'm sorry, she just left her security blanket on the plane.

Which is a rag.

It's a little embarrassing for mom.

When you lost it those nights and you were telling yourself not to think about it or talk about it every night when you went to sleep can you explain, was it difficult?

It's difficult when you go to sleep without it because its always... its like going to sleep without a pillow or a blanket, its like somethings missing when you're going to sleep. so just think about how that would be for you. laying in bed with no pillow.

You've been on a good run, how long has it been since you lost it? Do you have a different system now?

Yeah now I have a system as I'm going into adulthood. I don't take it on over night trips unless it's like a substantial amount of time. So I wont take it on a two or three day business trip but when I'm going for a week I will take it. I'm trying to mitigate risk. 

There was a period of time, in Illinois, maybe Connecticut too, where you would wake up in the morning and put the Blanky in the freezer.

Yeah, I still like doing that its just I'm lazy and forget to do it sometimes but I like to keep it in the freezer and then go get it right before I go to bed and then it's all cold its like the cool side of the pillow, and you rub it on your face like it just got out of the freezer. That's kinda one of the best feelings.

You understand that sounds crazy and gross though right?

Yeah, right now since I'm lazier than that, what I'll do if I wake up in the middle of the night and I look for Blanky and find it in the bed and then you know its like so hot and stuffy in the bed so I throw it on the side of the floor and I let it sit on the the floor for a couple minutes and then I go and pick it up and its like the cool side of the pillows back.

You're like a crazy cat lady but with a blanky.

Well this is the first time I'm sharing these.

So you do still put it in the freezer sometimes.

Sometimes, yeah.

Do you think putting it in the freezer led to its demise?

no I don't think that has anything to do with it.

Just natural wear and tear?

You ripping it.

Do you think there is a bigger reason why you have this connection, you said you're not sentimental about anything else.

Like because we moved so much maybe I wanted a constant in life

Yeah do you think that could be a reason why?

I think that could have something to do with it cause I know Brett is so connected to his home town and I don't really have anything like that. Well besides my family themselves, like I'm not really connected to a house or a town or a school but pink and blue crochet knit... its my thing.

It can turn any bed into your own.

hmmm maybe that should be my slogan.

Get a security blanket, it can turn any bed into your own! 

Does Brett mind it? So when you started dating Brett how do you explain it?

I tell people right away. All my friends know that I sleep with a blanket. So its not something I hide.

But then you and Brett get an apartment together and are sharing a bed and now he has to sleep with a dirty rag all the time too. Did he have any qualms?

Yeah he doesn't really like it that much but he knows how much I like it so he accepts it.

So its down to a rag, right? Whats the plan in the future to stop it from... do you just roll with it, if it breaks you just tie it back on.

Yeah, so I have one piece that's fully separated from this and I was thinking about just framing that piece and putting it in my bedroom so that if this actually disintegrates into nothing I have one piece framed. But I think I'm still pretty much okay with the amount of Blanky there is here. I feel like we still have a lot to lose and I just appreciate whats left instead of dwelling on whats not there. 

Wow. As long as you can scrunch it up into a ball and rub it on your face, huh?

The glass is half full. yeah. I like the feeling when I rub it on my face which most people, find pretty disgusting.

Repulsive even.

Yeah, repulsive even. When Brett's really annoying me I'll rub it on his face. That kinda just puts him over the edge.

What do you think all your friends and family would use if they had one word to describe Blanky?


Does that bother you

It's kinda upsetting.

It's like the one thing you like most

It's like someone calling your dog disgusting... but at the same time I get it.

There is one person in the world who will touch it though.

Grandma. Yeah, Grandma washes it for me. This is now at the hand wash only state so she'll put it in warm water and a little fabric softener and hand wash it in the sink for me.

Does she hand wash it for you every time you visit her?

Yeah. Well like every time I go back home so maybe twice a year it gets washed. I'm too nervous to wash it myself. I'm afraid if I do it will disintegrate even more and I don't know... it might get caught in the garbage disposal or something very traumatic. I don't really trust myself and I only trust Grandma.

Do you think she does that just because she loves you? Do you think she doesn't find it gross?

Umm I think she does it just because she loves me. I'm sure she still finds it a little bit gross but shes more matter of fact about everything and everyone else is so dramatic.

Is there a part of you that finds it a little bit gross?

No. Not at all. 

Do you think you love it too much?

No I don't think you can every love anything too much.

-the fridge and not washing and you just rubbing make up on it every night do you think that has something to do with the discoloration?

No! I think that its been 28 years, so it's 28 years old and it was hand crocheted so not the best quality. But it's made with love.

Do you  think the lady that made it for you would be pleased to know you still have it.

She would probably be shocked. I don't think she would ever... I don't think it was meant to be a child's security blanket but I'm sure she would be happy she got good use out of it. 

Would you ever consider sewing Blanky into another blanket so you could continue it on, or a t shirt or something.

I just like don't want to insult the integrity of it. I feel like its perfect the way it is.

As a person who grew up with a security blanket that they took into adulthood, when you have children are you going to buy them something to put in their crib with them to give them the opportunity to have the connection you have with Blanky. Give them the option.

Yeah, I think I would give them the opportunity so its their choice but I also think I would follow Moms footsteps of putting some rules and guidelines around the security blanket because you want your kids to feel comfort but you also want them not to be made fun of at school.

How much longer do you think Blanky is going to survive?

Wow that's really morbid. I think its going to go on forever. I thought about when I get married, taking a piece and it can be my something blue and doing something with it so it walks down the aisle with me but I haven't fully thought that out yet. 

What would you do if Blanky died, if it caught on fire and you weren't around to save him?

Like would I get another one?

Just what would you do? What would you do if Blanky disappeared.

I think I would silently cry. Is that possible? I think I would just cry myself to sleep.

Do you associate Blanky with a gender or age

Wow that's a weird question. No its gender neutral and I think its as old as I am. 

Okay. That's all I need. Thanks.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Time I Saw A Lady Forget About Bread.

Just witnessed incredible.
I'm standing in line at the café. A lady is in front of me ordering. She's ordering a sandwich in a very particular way.
"does it come with tomatoes? I want the tomatoes."
"Does it come with bacon? I don't want the bacon."
"Does it come with onions? I want the onions."
She finishes up her wants and don't wants and then the girl behind the counter says, "What type of bread would you like ma'am?"
This question hits The Lady hard.
She responds, "I cant eat bread," But she says it like everyone knows this and the clerk is being insensitive for even asking.
The girl says, well we have this and this and this kind.
"Do you have any without wheat?" - The Lady.
"I'm sorry we don't."
Now The Lady is looking down at her feet and mumbling to herself. She's saying..
 "I forgot all about bread... why didn't I just order a salad? I
can't eat bread. I forgot all about the bread."
The girl behind the counter and I are exchanging glances and giggling because The Lady just ordered a sandwich forgetting that bread is not only involved in a sandwich but basically the KEY component of what makes a  sandwich a sandwich.
After taking time to think it through,The Lady, defeated, says "can you make my sandwich into a salad?".

So today, May 9th, 2015 I witnessed an lady forget about the existence of bread.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Notes from a Wallflower at the Bar - Feb 21, 2015

There is a set of identical twins here with matching haircuts and soul patches... talk about future regrets.

The girl in the overalls just got an entire beer spilled on her. She just shrugged and unclipped the top of the overalls and let them fall. First time overalls have been convenient for a non painter in a while.

Elderly man just walked in and immediately shook my hand. Said he felt like he could be my grandfather then gave an extra squeeze. I said you could be my grandfather, you're significantly older than me (I actually said nothing and just politely moved on with my life).

Bathroom doesnt have a mirror. We're considering that a win.

On the walk to the second bar we got an impromptu concert from some buskers.

Guy at the second bar has the Ragnar Lothbrok hair style. I says hey guy, in the new episode its buzzed on top! Catch up! (I didn't look at him more than once cause that hair style is intimidating).

The second bar is more of a townie bar and I'm making that assumption solely on the amount of puffy vests being worn.

There is a girl here who is wearing sweatpants, a tank top, and a beanie and she looks convincingly better than I look but that's mostly cause of her butt.

Hoping the 3 dollar PBRs kick in and I get drunk enough to talk to one of these strangers.

Brad and I, sitting at a table, just the two of us, out of things to talk about, just nodded at each other three times in a row. Then a little laugh. Then Brad said, "man we need some friends".

Just played the bathroom line situation like a god damn fiddle, if I were a really good fiddle player.

Had a healthy conversation with a mustachioed man in the bathroom. He only walked in there to twist his mustache. I thought it would be a good time to pepper him with questions. I acted as if his mustache was awesome and that I liked it. Might be the best undercover journalism I've ever done. He says getting it to stay is all about using the right wax (his is thirty dollars) and twisting it every fifteen minutes. He said it is a labor of love. We got kicked out of the bathroom because we werent peeing, just talking about his mustache.

Just did an extensive study while standing at the bar waiting to get a drink and concluded that if your eyebrows protrude farther than your chin then you face is built wrong.

Brad and I bet on how many mouthfuls it would take me to finish this PBR tall boy. I said four. Brad said five.

Finished it in four mouthfuls. More like three and a half actually.

On the walk home we encounter a bid ol fight. Chick fight that some dudes got involved in. One guy took a stiletto heel to the forehead and was bleeding pretty bad.


Back at our place and we have turned to the only food we have. Cheese and hot dogs and no bread. So hot dogs and swiss cheese it was!

We're watching the most recent episode of New Girl and I'm explaining how Winston has replaced Nick as my favorite character comedy wise.


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Japanese TV Interview for Fake Dog Video

A Japanese TV station, Fuji TV, asked me if they could do a Skype interview with me. I said of course. It took place at 9am California time and 2am Japanese Time. Viral videos are pretty wild.

Here's the original video. 

P.S. if you wanna be really cool you can like and comment and subscribe on the video so I can get some money out of it.

Two Guys Revue - Warlocks ep 2

In this weeks podcast we talk about....

1. The video of me scaring my mom going viral and the inner works of that.

2. Prochs dad is a crazy guy

3. Witches (be sure to tune in on this subject)

4. Nick being a bad guy

5. Me being a bad guy

6. Nick met Pedro Martinez and I met Pedros cousin


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Random Update cause I'm bored

It's the biggest snow storm to hit the east coast since 1996 (I almost died in the snowstorm of '96) and I'm in California missing out! Cold weather inst always fun but snow storms are and missing out on this is the first time I've been like 'damn I wish I was back east still.'
      Scratch that, its the second time. When the Golden Globes were on and I couldn't watch it live because I am on Pacific Time that was the first time. Don't mess with my award shows!

I tweeted out about an old flame of mine that I met at an Early November concert back in 2004.

and then The Early November retweeted it and I got 40 retweets and 80 favorites in a matter of minutes from concerned people that wanted to help me find Amy. Except in real life her name wasn't Amy. I think it was Rachel but Rachel was too many characters for the tweet so I changed it to Amy. And in real life I talked to her again...kinda. I gave her my number and she called me but I ignored it then never returned her voicemail because I'm a bad guy.

So I apologize to these people who were hoping I'd find her. Especially Jeff Kummer who is the drummer for Early November.

I'm sure as you all know, the biggest thing to happen to me was the video of my mom being scared by Frank Dog the Fake Dog going viral.

Some Background

I originally went to goodwill to buy Luke a mannequin. They had one that would be perfect, a six feet tall big dude but the lady at Goodwill refused to sell it to me. Which seemed like total bullshit to me at the time. And still does. You're Goodwill, I'm a person with money, give me the mannequin, I give you the money. They weren't even using it to display clothes. It was naked. But they didn't budge. I guess its for the best. Maybe the fake man would have scared my mom even more though.

I gave Luke the dog. He was like cool but no, cause this is a stuffed dog. It was soon after when he realized what a good present it was. Luke was the first person to scare mom. He put it in shotgun of the car, my mom got in the drivers seat, saw the dog and screamed. Then she had to get out cause she forgot something. When she got back in two seconds later she screamed even louder.

Luke told me this information and I got the GoPro out. And now the video was on aol.com msn.com buzzfeed.com hufffingtonpost.com yahoo.com dailymotion.com a ton of local news stations and some other places that I probably don't even know about.

Other Stuff

Here's a video of me laughing at an old man who needs two canes to walk slower than a snail. Life sucks when you get old.

And here's a video tour of my new place in Walnut Creek

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Two Guy Revue - Podcast with Nick Proch ep 1

In this first podcast we discuss a few topics, some interesting some not, you be the judge.

1. Nicks recent twitter fight against an Ice Cream Delivery Company.

2. When I was trapped in an airport for a full day

3. What movie is better Castaway or Terminal.

4. The origin of the name Tony

5. Is anyone listening anymore?

and some other really interesting stuff life that.

So if youre at work and bored and want something to listen to for thirty minutes. Here ya go!

P.S. Dont listen to the intro alone in the dark

Monday, January 12, 2015

Nick Proch vs The Scoop N Scootery

Here's a little story about a man who wanted to enjoy some Frozen Yogurt during his Sunday Movie but never go the chance to.

So that was that. Just a 25 year old man trying to watch a movie and eat some froyo. Is it weird to only order one serving of ice cream to be delivered to yourself? Yes. Is it sad? possibly!

THEN COMES THE next day when Nick finds the company on Twitter. This is where the fun begins.

At this point the conversation has spectators. Anxiously waiting for the answers.

Back to the exchange 


Monday, January 5, 2015

At One Point Jake and I were writing Beer Diaries

A little over a year ago Jake and I decided to start Beer Diaries, because we are pathetic. Also because we are pathetic we quit after a month (mostly Jake though, I finish everything I start, whether it be good or bad)

Idea was to drink a different beer every day and do a little write up about the beer and your day.

Anyway I just found the old document on my computer and they made me laugh so here, why not. Here are the first three days of the Beer Diary. Was supposed to last a year but like I said we only did it for a month or so. Maybe if the three people that read this like it I will post the rest of em.

• October 6, 2013 •



Got a text from my friend Jake today. He told me he had an idea. I told him to go on. He said never mind, it’s a bad idea. His idea was to drink a different beer every day for a year.
Five minutes later I was at the store tossing every beer they offered as a single can into a hand basket.
So today, October 6th 2013 marks day one of the Beer Diary. Wish me luck.

I've been home alone all day. Well, that’s not entirely true. Zimmer (my dog) is here. In the past couple months I’d say Zim has been on the other end of forty percent of my conversations. So there’s that.
Plan on spending all day plastered to the couch watching football, golf, and playoff baseball while reading the short stories of William Saroyan. Might throw a shower in there somewhere but I don’t want to overwhelm myself.
As far as the beer goes, today’s winner is UFO Unfiltered Pumpkin Ale. ‘Tis the season, I figured. The can doubles as a horrible weatherman, stating that it is partly cloudy and 38 degrees out when it is actually raining and 61 degrees. It’s okay though, I was always told ‘you can’t expect accurate weather reports from cans.’
I've never been a fan of pumpkin beers. Interestingly enough, that’s still very much the case. Drank the can in four big mouthfuls to get it over with. 


I have never been great with goal setting. The only goals I have ever had were to get a college degree and become a great father. I have the college degree and if I am a father I'm doing a terrible job. As of now that second part has yet to be decided but I'm confident one day I will achieve it. Meanwhile, as my 24th birthday approaches it's time to set some new goals! Run a marathon! Low carb diet! No. No my brain jumped instantly to drink a different beer every day for the next year. I figure it will be a good way to review some beers and keep a little personal diary going for the first time in my life. Ladies and gentleman welcome to my beer diary.

Today’s drink of choice is the summer shandy from Leinenkugel. Opening up a beer diary drinking something that’s debatably not a beer! I've always liked a good shandy, whether it was Leinenkugel or mixing a wheat beer with Mike's Hard Lemonade. A great summer drink to cap off what actually feels like the end of summer. Just got back from Arlington, Virginia, where we were celebrating a friend’s birthday. I got drunk three times in two days, vomited, ate terrible food, and most likely grossed out anyone who met me for the first time. During the nine-hour ride home; between questioning life and sweating out alcohol I had the best idea of my life and you're reading it right now.

• October 7, 2013 •


Working from home today. Editing a video and watching the playoff baseball game. Day time baseball is probably one of the biggest perks that come with working from home. That and not having to shower or put on clothes, not having to listen to horrible stories, being able to masturbate in-between projects, not doing work when you don’t feel like it, and some others.

I made it until three o’clock before cracking open my beer. Steen Brugge’s Tripel. After drinking it I can speculate that it is definitely a beer. It smells, drinks, and tastes like a beer. Throw in some citrus I guess too. Steen Brugge!


Today was Monday and the struggle was pretty real. Still recovering from the weekend plus being a man short at work was a rough combination. Luckily, my roommate and good friend, Ken likes to indulge on what we refer to as "fat boy Monday's," where the name gets the point across. This worked out well for me as on my pursuit of 365 beers in 365 days I'm sure I'd be able to find a non-familiar beer. We ended up going to Buffalo Wild Wings because apparently I have no imagination. But hey, it’s not a terrible atmosphere and there’s usually one or two cute waitresses that we can pretend would like us if we talked to them.

The beer on tap that caught my eye - because I'm easily entertained - was called Purple Haze by Abita. Basically the tap had a cool design and the title reminded me of good vibes thinking of Jimi Hendrix on the guitar. The beer itself was pretty good! It was light, which worked out because with the meal en route and the weekend behind that's what I was in the mood for. It was light but at the same time didn't taste like a cheap beer so… Hope my reviews get better than this! I broke up with my girlfriend of four years and this is part of my healing process.

• October 8, 2013 •


I went into work for around an hour today. Wasn’t fun. The lady that works in the back room with me offered me all her recently dead husbands’ shoes. She said they were really nice. I said, ‘nah, not much of a dead shoe guy, but thank you.’
I got back to my house and had sincere plans to get some editing done. Then I realized I felt a little tired so I changed my plans. I drank my beer of the day then took a three hour nap. My ever going fight against metamorphosis!

I drank a Stella Artois, a pretty common beer. I’ve had it a bunch before and have always thought to myself while drinking it, hey this isn’t that bad I should order it sometime. But I never do because I don’t know how to pronounce Artois. As a general rule of thumb, don’t ask for things that you don’t know how to say.


Today’s beer: Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale. I was mad I caved so early to having the Pumpkinhead but then realized I only have 20 more days or so to drink it. Now I’m realizing that nobody cares about that last sentence. But it is a pretty good beer! You can definitely taste the pumpkin (no way!). I had three of them over the course of the night and that’s about the maximum one can have. That flavor gets old and the whole idea of only enjoying pumpkin things for one month a year is pretty ridiculous.

 The price of the beer was ideal, as my co-workers treated me to dinner for my birthday. My birthday is not today, it’s Friday, calm down my cult followers! Our waitress was a cute older (early 30’s?) lady named Lisa who had a great figure but looked at me like I’m 18 years old. I think it’s because I’m short, can’t really grow facial hair, and look like I’m 18 years old.