Thursday, May 8, 2014

Let Me Introduce You to my Friend Nick.... He's Crazy

I don't need to say much. Over the years when Nick is bored... or driving, mostly just when hes driving, he has blessed his friends by allowing them to see inside the head of a crazy person. Here are the best (the ones i saved) of those videos.

1. This is without a doubt his most famous

2. This is a personal favorite. Kid packs about 5 solid jokes in 50 seconds

"the only thing stronger is a cockroach but you don't see me eating those"

3. A history lesson on the Summer of 1972

4. This is another crowd favorite. Also an extremely extremely rare video.

5. Here is your first real taste of the crazy folks...

6. Feel like if this were a Vine it would get thousands of revines from middle schoolers thinking "oh my god hes so crazy!" but in this collection its kinda just normal.

7. International Man of Mystery

8. This is a personal favorite of mine. Can't watch it without cackling out loud, believe me ive tried.

9. Not gonna lie... this is a solid impression

10 & 11. For a little while Nick ran his own radio show. WJIZ. He had some interesting callers.

12. Just a normal night for Nick. Relaxing with some wine and watching basketball.

13. This ones not weird at all. Kid just needs two things.

14. Another history lesson.

15. In this video Nick cant figure out a code

16. This is another one of my favorites. Nick as a cop?? or a trucker??

17. Nick and Brian have a very odd relationship

18.  Nick taking his vitamins. This gets awkward.

19. This one probably shouldnt have been included. But ive never watched it and not laughed. Nick was trying to listen to a radio station that played old school jazz but the dying DJ had different plans...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why This Video is Bullshit

I use social media a lot. I have a facebook. I have a instagram. I absolutely love twitter. I have a vine. I am on google chat all day and I also am in a group chat where there is constant conversation. Guess what? I know more about the world than I should. I have friends all over the country that I keep in touch with daily and on the weekends I even go out to bars with my friends and guess what? Sometimes we talk to strangers!

This message that iPhones are ruining us is the most overhyped ridiculous bandwagon that everyone can’t wait to jump on. Want to know how I know so many of my ‘friends’ liked that video? Because they posted it on facebook or twitter! They looked at a screen, typed buttons on a machine and let me know that they liked the video and they were going to close their computer or turn off their phone right away because of it BUT first they had to share that with us via those devices.

Its all such a joke. We, as a society, as a generation, get pleasure out of connecting with other people in all these crazy new ways that the world has offered us. It’s nothing to be ashamed about or to hide from. I don’t need a British dude with funny eyebrows lecturing me about how I’m going to miss the love of my life because I use google maps and don’t ask for directions like an idiot. Even so, last week I was getting mail out of my mailbox and a lady stopped and asked how to get to Main St. I told my friend I had to go, hung up the phone, then typed the directions into google maps and showed her the way. What a monster I was! I really don’t know how to talk to humans anymore.

“I cant stand to hear the silence of the busy commuter train, where no one wants to talk for the fear of looking insane.”

Jesus Christ dude give it a rest. The people who talk on public transit literally are INSANE. I’m supposed to sit down and just start talking away to the stranger next to me? That’s how you think train rides used to go?

No I’m not going to do that. Instead I’m going to respond to the funny text I got from David about what Brad did at the party last night and hold in laughter. Then I’m going to check the current news. After that I’ll probably double check my calendar for the day to make sure I know what’s going on and after that I’ll respond to an email. BECAUSE WE’VE CREATED A DEVICE THAT LETS US DO ALL THAT. Instead of blabbing on about the weather to a stranger I can actually interact with my real friends who are thousands of miles away. And its the wonderful gift of the internet and social media that helps maintain those friendships.

In the end, if using less technology than the rest of the country makes you happy, do it. If playing world of war craft for hours with strangers makes you happy, do it. For me, I love twitter, it gives me world news, local news, sports news, jokes, and updates on my friends instantaneously. I also love reading books and watching sports with friends. But most of you probably know this about me because you read it when I post about it. Ya know, on social media.

Being addicted to technology doesn’t make you anti social or a bad person. Being anti social makes you anti social. Being a bad person makes you a bad person. It’s that simple.