1. This is without a doubt his most famous
2. This is a personal favorite. Kid packs about 5 solid jokes in 50 seconds
"the only thing stronger is a cockroach but you don't see me eating those"
3. A history lesson on the Summer of 1972
4. This is another crowd favorite. Also an extremely extremely rare video.
5. Here is your first real taste of the crazy folks...
6. Feel like if this were a Vine it would get thousands of revines from middle schoolers thinking "oh my god hes so crazy!" but in this collection its kinda just normal.
7. International Man of Mystery
8. This is a personal favorite of mine. Can't watch it without cackling out loud, believe me ive tried.
9. Not gonna lie... this is a solid impression
10 & 11. For a little while Nick ran his own radio show. WJIZ. He had some interesting callers.
12. Just a normal night for Nick. Relaxing with some wine and watching basketball.
13. This ones not weird at all. Kid just needs two things.
14. Another history lesson.
15. In this video Nick cant figure out a code
16. This is another one of my favorites. Nick as a cop?? or a trucker??
17. Nick and Brian have a very odd relationship
18. Nick taking his vitamins. This gets awkward.
19. This one probably shouldnt have been included. But ive never watched it and not laughed. Nick was trying to listen to a radio station that played old school jazz but the dying DJ had different plans...