Monday, February 10, 2014

Sister Olympics

The O'Brien's are a very competitive family. If you don't know that then luckily you've never spent any time with us. One of the on going debates is who is more athletic, Ritzy or Courtney. Finally we started to put together challenges to determine who in fact was the more athletic sister.

The first Sister Olympics was held at the airport in Ireland. Yes, at the airport in Ireland. I set up a couple competitions and the girls put in their best effort. Spectators of all kinds gathered around like a crowd watching a street performer. Just joking, people walked past us and whispered "obnoxious Americans" while giving dirty looks. I couldn't remember who won that time so I texted each to see if they remembered. I bet you can guess how that went


In the summer of 2012 we had the first ever official Sister Olympics.

There were five events.

Hand Eye Coordination. (hitting a wiffle ball)

Long Jump

Broad Jump

Running Race

Swimming Race

The first event was maybe the most pathetic. Unfortunately we have no footage of the two of them trying to hit slowly tossed wiffle balls. To give you a quick visual... Ritzy held the bat with her hands a foot apart from eachother and jumped a full 90 degrees every time she swung the bat. Courtney did not move her legs one inch and opted to only use her upper body. In the end Courtney won did better than Ritzy. POINT COURTNEY.
Courtney                          Ritzy
1                                    0

The second event was the long jump. Lets go to the tape.

Ritzy jumped a WHOPPING one foot. Mostly because she didn't lift her back leg at all. A common mistake in the long jump. 

With the bar set very low Courtney was able to pull out another victory! It was actually a decent jump by my older sister. POINT COURTNEY.
Courtney                          Ritzy
2                                    0

The third event was the Broad jump. Or the Bra jump as Courtney and Ritzy called it because they had never heard of a broad jump before and thought I was making up words.

Courtney went first.

Ritzy really needed a victory otherwise she would lose the Olympics.

Amazingly enough, after measuring both jumps precisely* it turned out that they had jumped the exact same length. Neither wanted to have a do over out of fear the other would win. They were contempt with a tie... you dont see that a lot.

*They both jumped to Lukes foot
.Courtney                          Ritzy
 2                                    0

The fourth event was a race. Very simple.... who is the fastest sister?

RITZY GOT HER SWAGGER BACK. Started shit talking her big sister before the race was official. Some other notes from the race...

They both started early... aint cheating you aint trying

is Luke actually my third sister?

Ritzy uses ALOT OF ARMS when she sprints.

.Courtney                          Ritzy
2                                    1

The 5th event was swimming. Who was the fasted swimmer. Both girls donned their finest swim swear and goggles. They were also allowed to practice their dives a couple of times, mostly for comedy sake.

Ritzy went first

Courtney had to beat Ritzy s time otherwise it was a tie.

What everyone cheered for was Courtney, remembering her elementary school training did an official flip turn at the wall. But it wasn't enough to beat Ritzy's time. POINT RITZY.

.Courtney                          Ritzy
2                                    2

Now, obviously the Olympics can't end in a tie. That would be ridiculous. We had to think of a sixth event that both the girls would agree to. Wouldn't you know, my dad had the perfect event in mind. A strength competition. There is no video but here are some pictures.

First one to bend their elbow loses. This went on for quite a while. As you can see, some spectators got bored of the event. After a couple minute went by it was Ritzy whose arms broke first. Making Courtney the 2012 Sister Olympic Champion! Final Score

.Courtney                          Ritzy
 3                                    2

Just to make sure I had the correct winner I sent another text.

two years later and it still hurts.

Monday, February 3, 2014